Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Global Cooperation to Save USA and UK

Clive Hyman of Hyman Capital Services in the UK was interviewed on CNBC on January 19, 2009 following a press conference by Gordon Brown and Alex Darling of the UK.

Mr. Hyman, with whom I am not familiar, appears to be relatively unflappable. Perhaps the famous Brit "stiff upper lip"?

His comments were, however, very alarming, to wit:

"Things happening in the market on Thursday and Friday that were very disturbing". (Things he would NOT go into on the air.)

"Assets being traded in the world economy that are too big to be traded right now"

"I am expecting one or two US institutions to go to the wall this week".

" to the point where all governments have got to pull together.."

So, let's put all of this together, and try to parse this.

We have JP Morgan (a.k.a Federal Reserve) at a new low of 18.09
BofA at $5.10 (close to being a penny stock)
Wells Fargo - same
CitiCorp - same

In fact, Citicorp just gave its prime benefactor, Prince Alwaleed, a $10.7 billion haircut.

So things are tough all over. To paraphrase a Depression era song "Brother, can you spare a trillion?". The deficits we are accruing will probably never be paid off in the lifetime of the world, never mind our own lifetime.

Mr. Brown, in his press conference, blames the US for unleashing this debacle, with the onset of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown. And there is some validity to that. There is plenty of blame to spread around; like fiat dollars, there is an endless supply of blame.

However, what he, and all other politicians, fail to acknowledge at least publicly, is that the subprime issue is just a proximal cause. The true, root, cause is the fiat money system prevailing in the world today. Governments, always, everywhere, in all times, have debased their currency and reaped the results. Proverbs says "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind". We are now just seeing the start of the harvest.

The gold standard provided a system of checks and balances upon banks, bankers, and the credit system. That is the reason for its demise - bankers could not then and cannot now tolerate being reined in, cannot tolerate oversight and will run roughshod over anyone, be it king or commoner, attempting to control their activities.

Much has been said and written, in Christian and secular circles, about the End Times, a man titled Anti-Christ and Armageddon.

Part of the end times scene has always been a global governing system. This would be an imperative for anyone seeking to rule the world - the one cannot occur without the other.

My belief is that we are seeing the beginnings of this system. No frontal assault on national sovereignty is needed. What government or politician in their right political minds would go before their people and say "Look. We know things are bad, and they are probably going to get worse before they get better. We all need to tighten our belts, let the markets correct, take it on the chin for a while, hunker down, and when the dust has settled, come back out and regroup." Yeah, I know that is too many metaphors,but you get the point. What politicians will do is what they have always done. Try to make things better. Isn't that why we have elected them? They have promised us the earth on the cheap and we expect them to deliver.

So, rather than come out and pass laws and treaties to merge governments all around the world, they will sit back and let the bankers do the deed. "International cooperation" is perhaps new code for "World Governance"?

If we do not start, on a personal level, to change the way we think and act, and force our governments to do the same the world will have a far different aspect in less than a decade.

And we will find ourselves apologizing to Zimbabwe for all of the nasty things we have said about them.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to mention that the global governing system, of which you speak, is intimately tied in with a global electronic economic system. In order to participate in this integrated global economy, every person on the earth must submit to being physically marked with some sort of identification mechanism. There is no other option. Failure to comply means total exclusion from all buying or selling of goods or services in this system.
